Memorial Day Weekend | #familyglamp

 Each year we typically invite everyone to bring the whole family to Camp Rivercrest over Memorial Day weekend to grow together as a family, in relationship with God, and create memories that will last a lifetime. This year, out of respect for guidelines we will be unable to meet at Rivercrest, but we’d love to encourage and invite you to have your own Family Camp in your backyard or home! 

We don’t need to go anywhere to grow in relationship with God, and create memories that will last a lifetime. As a family enjoy a weekend or a night of worship, a few activities, and making memories with your family and maybe another family at a social distance.

Why Family Camp Matters!

Typically the reason we put in hours of planning and promoting for Family Camp is because we believe that discipleship happens in relationship, and relationship is what we make space for through Family Camp. The purpose of Family Camp is to create space for families to intentionally connect, make memories and grow together in Christ! While we are so sad to not be all together this year, this is a great time to have fun, make some memories and take some intentional time as a family to connect with Christ, and each other.

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